Monday, March 24, 2014

The Ninth Commandment: Thou Shalt Assume A Blazer is Appropriate Attire

If you don't own a blazer, stop reading, make the conscious decision to invest in yourself, and go get one.

The blazer is the most versatile article of clothing in any professional wardrobe.

It looks great on men

It looks great on women

It elevates that shirt and tie to a new level of professionalism

And it transforms jeans and a t-shirt into something work appropriate

If you're ever in doubt about what to wear in an interview, Wear a Blazer.

If the hiring manager comes into the interview room in a suit and tie, at least you'll be wearing a jacket that shows you've made an effort to look professional. And if the hiring manager comes in wearing a polo and khakis, you're not so overdressed to appear as though you wouldn't fit in to the culture.

Show me one other article of clothing that can do so much.

Dress is very important in an interview. Improper dress can result in an immediate bad first impression.


You don't want to blow your shot before even making it into the office.

You'd be surprised how many people will show up to interviews in shorts, t-shirts, jeans, sneakers or hats, if you don't tell them otherwise.

The Moral Of This Commandment:  Making a good first impression counts. You want to make sure you are dressed to impress. Ask your Recruiter for insight into what the company culture is like. If they assure you it's okay to wear jeans, then wear jeans, but a blazer can make just about any outfit, no matter the style, into something smart and professional.


  1. As a woman, I've been to interviews where the people interviewing me were dressed very casually and I was wearing a blazer. To me the blazer is quite formal and I felt quite overdressed. I didn't take it off though because I had a sleeveless formal dress on and I feel sleeveless isn't usually appropriate. My boyfriend always tells me though that you can never overdress for an event. Thoughts?

  2. Hey Ciel,

    My best advice is, before the interview, ask what the dress code is. I tend to align with your boyfriend. They would be more likely to appreciate your effort if you show up overdressed than if you took the risk and went casual.
